“Riga Bike Week” tour to Mangaļsala forts

4627860464_8d6b33d946_oAs a tribute to the freedom that comes with riding a bicycle, we’re inviting everyone on the day restoration of independence of Latvia to make a trip outside the center of the city to mystical Mangaļsala – the wood that holds defensive fortifications not known to most of the residents of the city, that have been guarding the capital for more than a century. This is also a place to enjoy a beautiful sunset by the sea.

Leaving Riga on bikes from Mežaparks at 17:00 (~20km one way).

Come on a bike and please wear a helmet and be ready for an adventure of ~5 hours and 25km of riding.

Might also come in handy some headlight, comfy cloth and shoes and some (warm) drink!

Return possible by train from Vecāķi.

More information on 25wolves FB event. Applying buy filling a form

! Tour will be in Latvian language, but the guide (and we believe that most of the riders) speaks English, Russian and might even show some rusty German.

About Author

Edgars Ražinskis
Astoņos gadus darbojies tūrisma ekipējuma un tūrisma pakalpojumu jomā, kamēr ienākusi doma pieredzi, zināšanas un kaislību realizēt savā uzņēmumā. Velo tūrisms ir Edgara kaislība, ar to ir izbraukāta Latvija un pat pabūts tālajā Ruandā. Piedalījies vairākās ekspedīcijās ar 4x4 gan Krievijas Ziemeļos, gan tālajā Altajā. Stažējies Gruzijā, kur vedis tūristu grupas Kaukāza kalnos un raftinga tūrēs pa straujajām kalnu upēm.


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