#100 Baltic sea.

This is the case when getting to the set destination is less satisfying than the path to it. Frankly, with 100  wonders, we wanted to give ourselves a reason for the holidays, when you would like to better stay in bad, get your ass up, and go to the woods. Thanks to Elizabeth, who believed, supported, photographed and made corrections to my stories. After two years of walking, I can safely say that not only my opinion about the nature of Latvia has changed, but also has changed relationship between me and nature.

Thinking of the 100th-day story, there was no doubt that it would be about Baltic Sea, which is a vivid example of human-nature relations, unfortunately, not always from its best side. About one in four of our stories so far has been connected with the sea, and in the context of Latvia it is difficult to overestimate the historical, climatic and economic importance of the Baltic Sea. This picture of the story will allow to trace the coastline sequentially from Pusēnu hill near the Lithuania, till Randu meadows near Ainaži.

Pusēnu hill is the Latvia’s highest dune (37 m a.s.l).
The spring near Liepaja’s North Peak, when hundreds of anglers gather on it, to catch sea-goose or bulls, as they are cherished anglers.
Laiks un jūra.
Nature park Ziemupe
Pāvilosta II
Manor by the sea.
Jurkalne Bluffs
Jurkalne Bluffs II
Sārnate beach. 
Cape Kolka
forest trail “Melnsils – Kolka”
Kaltene II
Kaltene III
Kaltene in the summer
Sea near Abragciems 
Fishing in Lapmežciems.
Bigauņciems II
Ragakāpa nature reserve
Wild sea buckthorn. 
Lielupe river
Buļļu island 
Mangaļsala lighthouse.
Mangaļsala lighthouse.
Saulkrasti and White dune.
Large Lauču(Lauchi) stone
Ežurgas cliffs
Kurmrags Lighthouse
Veczemju cliffs.
Randu meadows .
Randu meadows nature reserve II.

About Author

Edgars Ražinskis
Astoņos gadus darbojies tūrisma ekipējuma un tūrisma pakalpojumu jomā, kamēr ienākusi doma pieredzi, zināšanas un kaislību realizēt savā uzņēmumā. Velo tūrisms ir Edgara kaislība, ar to ir izbraukāta Latvija un pat pabūts tālajā Ruandā. Piedalījies vairākās ekspedīcijās ar 4x4 gan Krievijas Ziemeļos, gan tālajā Altajā. Stažējies Gruzijā, kur vedis tūristu grupas Kaukāza kalnos un raftinga tūrēs pa straujajām kalnu upēm.


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