What are 100 Natural Wonders?
Celebrating 100 weeks until the 100th anniversary of Latvia, we, the 25 wolves team, are committed to telling you a little more about the 100 wonders of our Latvian nature every week. In recent years, we have been trying to spend every free moment in Latvian forests, meadows and marshes. We've gathered a lot of stories, pictures and videos about the experience, and it seemed like a good idea to share with those who might be interested. We especially want to emphasize the fact that they are 100 wonders of us, we did not try to create the TOP 100 of Latvia's natural wonders, because nature in Latvia has infinitely many natural wonders, and secondly, everyone has probably their own. We will be very happy if our experience is able to inspire you go more often in nature, because here you can find energy, peace and the real feeling that we are welcomed.
#53 Pieci iemesli doties uz Lielo Ķemeru tīreli. Tagad.
Pirmkārt, atgriežoties no Ķemeru tīreļa jums būs sajūta, ka esat izdarījis kaut ko labu savai dvēselei. Tā kā man ir lauzta kāja un es šai takā esmu bijis vismaz piecas reizes, Elizabete turp gāja viena. Es paliku mašīnā un vēroju tos, kas pelēcīgi un drūmi pazūd mežā un sārtiem vaigiem un starojošām acīm atgriežas pie
#9 Raganu purva sēravoti
Ir pirmās saulainās pavasara dienas, un mēs dodamies no Lapmežciema virzienā uz Antiņciemu. Abās ceļa pusēs stiepjas niedraini ezeri, pilni ar putniem un rosību. Ceļš ir piemērots pārgājienam, jo mašīnas to izmanto reti. Krustojumā pa kreisi ceļš aiziet uz Ķemeriem, savukārt, dodoties pa labi, uz Kaņiera dienvidrietumu krastu, atrodams putnu vērošanas tornis. Mūsdienās uz šo